glucose level always goes up when patients
of diabetes face stress. When in stress, the
pituitary gland at the base of our skull
stimulates the adrenal glands by the kidneys
to release adrenaline. This triggers the
muscles and liver to break down the glycogen
stores into glucose. It then is released
into the tissues to enable the body to fight
or flight the potential danger. This release
increases the blood sugar level which
sometimes exceeds the normal range.
So, diabetes is closely related to our
emotional condition. City dwellers always
live in the environment that will inevitably
create stress. Traffic jams, pollution,
overwhelming workloads, and selling targets
and problems in personal relationships are
some of the causal factors for stress. So,
it is easy to say to everybody that stress
is unavoidable.
The easiest way is through recreation.
Unfortunately, we cannot always do that.
City dwellers who are in stress condition
usually try to relax their emotional
condition by going out and eating out with
Eating more food and drinking alcohol or
coffee are the typical reactions which we
usually experience. To reduce the negative
effects of stress, we must try to avoid
foods that are bad to our body. Even though
we can do that, the food and drinks that we
consume in general contain excessive fat,
salt, sugar, and alcohol and cafein. These
deplete vital nutrients such as magnesium
and vitamin B5 – the nutrients that are
important in combating stress.
foods that contain fiber can help improve
our blood sugar. We will feel full due to
the volume of the food but the calories
intake is lower. In addition, our body
cannot digest fiber. Fiber binds cholesterol
and lowers its absorption. Food that
contains fiber reduces our blood sugar as it
slows down the absorption of sugars into the
To minimize the negative effects of stress,
we need nutrients such as magnesium and
vitamin C as well as vitamin B. They are
essential in supporting our body especially
the adrenal glands to bust the stress. Foods
that are rich in magnesium are almonds, cod,
soya beans, sunflower seeds, nuts, dark
leafy vegetables, blackstrap molasses. Foods
that are rich in vitamin c are citrus fruit,
strawberries, potatoes, berries, peppers,
blackcurrants, kiwi fruit, cauliflowers,
guavas, mangoes, and papaya. Foods that
contain vitamin B are green vegetables,
brown rice, dairy products, eggs, liver,
wheatgerm, lentils and corn by charles roring.
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